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Drama Therapy Retreat at Ardi

The path of healing and growth is a path towards awakeness and compassionate action. Along this journey, we rediscover our ability to listen and attune to our own self and those around us. We establish our ability to observe and befriend the varied parts and ever-changing landscapes that populate our inner world. Ultimately, this journey involves a ‘coming home’ to the source of wisdom, creativity and care that exists within - and between - us.

In this retreat we will use psychodramatic group work and Internal Family Systems to develop insight, release traumatic burdens and practice preferred ways of being. In doing so, we will develop our capacity for a life of greater awareness, loving kindness and constructive action. Our work together will involve extensive movement, singing, improvisation and psychodramatic enactment. No prior experience with these modalities is necessary. Come ready to dive deep into your inner world and the space between us.

4pm 17 November - 6pm 22 November 2023

> Single room: $475 USD
> Per person in a shared double room: $309 USD
> Per person in a shared triple room: $267 USD
This fee includes 5 nights of accommodation, 3 meals per day, and the workshop.

Ardi is a retreat centre for healing, restoration and holistic education in front of Dahshur pyramids, Egypt.

The language of delivery will be English. Translation will not be provided.

For the benefit of group process, punctuality and full attendance is required. We therefore ask you to apply only if you can commit to arriving on time and staying onsite for the duration of the entire retreat. Child care arrangements, work related meetings, medical appointments, etc. must be organised before or after the retreat dates.

STEP 1: Applicants must complete the following online application form before August 15th:
STEP 2: Selections will be announced on, or before September 1st.
STEP 3: Selected applicants can finalise their registration by paying the program fee. If we do not receive your payment on, or before September 15th, your place will be given to someone else.

Ben Rivers, PhD, RDT/BCT is a psychotherapist and drama therapist specializing in the use of psychodrama and Internal Family Systems for individual and collective healing. He holds over 20 years of combined experience in social work and psychotherapy. He has taught and practiced in Asia, Australia, Europe, the Middle East and North America, working extensively with communities impacted by political violence and collective trauma. He is Founder of Dawar Arts and Dawar Kitchen (Cairo, Egypt) and the Arab School of Playback Theatre. Ben holds a Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology from the California Institute of Integral Studies, USA, and a PhD in Peace Studies from the University of New England, Australia. His articles have been published in professional journals around the world. He is a Registered Drama Therapist (RDT) and a Board Certified Trainer (BCT) with the North American Drama Therapy Association. He is also an Accredited Playback Theatre Trainer through the Centre for Playback Theatre, New York. Ben is a Level 3 practitioner of Internal Family Systems. Ben was born in the UK and raised in Australia.

Assisted by:
Dahlyia Sabbour is an actor, performing arts coach, Applied Theatre & Therapeutic Drama practitioner, specializing in Forum Theatre, Playback Theatre and Psychodrama. She is a founding member of the Dawar Playback Theatre Troupe as well as a Cairo-based Forum Theatre Troupe. Dahlia attended New York University (NYU) in the US (2000-2002) where she studied Participatory Theatre & Drama-in-Education, with a main focus on Augusto Boal’s Theatre of the Oppressed. She also has a diploma in the Therapeutic Spiral Model (TSM). Dahlia currently works as a theatre & drama practitioner with a variety of communities in Egypt, primarily at Dawar Arts, where her work mainly focuses on UN-sponsored relief programs for refugees & marginalized communities. Dahlia also offers individual psychodrama sessions using the Internal Family Systems model.

For more information, please email

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